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Month: November 2010

U.S. Military Postal Service to the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, 1918 – 1920

Mail service to any forces in combat zones was a challenge. This was no different for the Americans in Siberia. Letters to and from soldiers were censored, and addresses to Siberia were ambiguous to preserve secrecy in troop location and movement. Correspondence to soldiers would be addressed simply to “A.E.F. Siberia”.

Veterans Day and Memorial Day—Two Federal Holidays Honoring those Who Serve With Honor

The nation’s second federal holiday instituted to honor those serving in the armed forces is Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day. President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) proclaimed Armistice Day to be November 11, the date of the cessation of battles between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. In European countries this day has been known as Remembrance Day, Armistice Day or Poppy Day.