Wondering what to don for that fabulous New Year’s eve bash you are attending this evening?
Maybe some suggestions from the Libraries’ Galaxy of Images fashion collections might help … Chinchilla … I don’t think so. Maybe faux fur? You have to admit she looks awfully stylish changing that light bulb. You’ll definitely turn heads in that shiny chapeau. Just be sure whatever you choose is suitable for dancing. Happy New Year!
Month: December 2010
Although the positive impact of having a blog seem extremely obvious initially, starting and maintaining a blog is not necessarily a simple task, and there are certainly risks that come along with it.
How can libraries use Web 2.0 technology to better reach and inform their users, improve the services the library provides, and remain relevant in today’s society?
If you visited the zoo prior to the twentieth century you would most likely have seen the animals behind bars in cages. But in the early 1900s Carl Hagenbeck decided he wanted to display animals in a more “natural” venue.
Hopefully as everyone recovers from yesterday’s glut of food and presents some real boxing matches will not develop. Happy Boxing Day!
Wishing you happiness and health for the new year!
Nancy E. Gwinn and the Smithsonian Libraries staff