While the Smithsonian Institution Libraries (SIL) comprises 20 branch libraries, some branch collections naturally overlap when meeting the needs of their library users. That’s the situation with one of our art libraries, the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum Library located in New York City, and one of our science libraries, the Botany and Horticulture Library located in Washington D.C. It may surprise you to learn both collect books and journals on landscape design and history and the decorative arts.
Tag: Elizabeth Broman
The Libraries would like to highlight some new titles that have been added recently to the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum Library.
Besides being a naturally busy place, the Cooper-Hewitt Library will be moving during 2011 and so there is much to be done! During this Spring 2011 semester, Stephanie Romano will be working on an analysis of selected titles for possible de-accession
The Libraries would like to highlight some new titles that have been added recently to the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum Library.
Fortune Magazine was created as part of Henry Luce’s Time, Inc. publishing empire in February 1930, four months after the Stock market crash that started the Great Depression. It was more »
Aladdin Readi-Cut Homes (not pre-fabricated) 1906-1981 The popularity of DIY “do-it-yourself” home improvement and decorating projects began in the early 20th century. The North American Construction Co., later known as more »