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A Different kind of Goldrush

Flag construction pop-up book printed by pochoir
Gold rush : a multi-page serigraph by Jill Timm.

Gold rush : a multi-page serigraph  by Jill Timm. Wenatchee, WA : Mystical Places Press, 2013. 

This intriguing title Gold Rush, represents three of the Cooper-Hewitt Library’s special collecting interests all in one book. We have a large collection of over 2,000 pop-up and movable books, ranging from the 15th century through the present day; also a collection of artist’s books with movable parts, and a large variety of books and periodicals  that use the pochoir  printing process, (another term for silkscreen, or serigraph). Artists’ books or art books are works of art realized in the form of a book. They are often published in small editions, though sometimes they are produced as one-of-a-kind objects referred to as “uniques”. This copy is no. 2 of a limited edition of 36. This is our first pop-up/movable book with this kind of a complex and elaborate construction  and process in the collection. Gold Rush is taking the flag book structure, (a pop-up book term) to a new level, making it a double or reversible book, both sides attached to a single spine. It has two covers and two parts of a screen printed image. This book construction is based on the leporello, or folded accordion paper structure.


The image of the bush with golden leaves is printed with 16 separate colors created by Jill Timm. Primarily a fine arts printmaker and graphic designer, she turned to making artists’ books using earlier works with various printmaking techniques, like silkscreen. Most of Timm’s work is inspired by nature and the natural environment.

Elizabeth Broman

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