The Libraries would like to highlight some more new and diverse titles that have been added recently to the National Museum of American History Library.
For home and country: World War I propaganda on the home front. Celia Malone Kingsbury. University of Nebraska Press, c2010.
Publisher description
Introduction — Food will win the war: domestic science and the royal society — "One hundred percent": war service and women's fiction — VADs and khaki girls: the ultimate reward for war service — "Learning to hate the German beast": children as war mongers — The hun is at the gate: protecting the innocents — Conclusion: learning to love big brother–or not. D639.P7 U63 2010
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The Jeffersons at Shadwell. Susan Kern. Yale University Press, c2010.
Introduction — The house: the material world of the Jeffersons at Shadwell — The household: making women's work apparent — The home quarter : material culture and status — The field quarters: slave life and field work — Plantation business: Peter Jefferson at home — The colony's business : Peter Jefferson's vantage — The intangible legacies: creating and keeping family history — Thomas Jefferson's Shadwell stories: family and slavery. E332.25 .K37 2010
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Across the continent: Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and the making of America, edited by Douglas Seefeldt, Jeffrey L. Hantman, Peter S. Onuf.
University of Virginia Press, 2005.
Introduction: geopolitics, science, and culture conflicts / Peter S. Onuf and Jeffrey L. Hantman — Jefferson's Pacific: the science of distant empire, 1768-1811 / Alan Taylor — Securing America: Jefferson's fluid plans for the western perimeter / Jenry Morsman — Thomas Jefferson's conflicted legacy in American archaeology / David Hurst Thomas — A nation imagined, a nation measured: the Jeffersonian legacy / Kenneth Prewitt — Oñate's foot: histories, landscapes, and contested memories in the Southwest / Douglas Seefeldt. F592 .A49 2005
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Gold rush port: the maritime archaeology of San Francisco's waterfront. James P. Delgado. University of California Press, c2009.
Table of contents
F869.S347 D45 2009
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The market revolution in America: liberty, ambition, and the eclipse of the common good. John Lauritz Larson.
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Introduction: what do we mean by a market revolution in America? — 1. First fruits of independence — Interlude: panic! 1819 — 2. Marvelous improvements everywhere — Interlude: panic! 1837 — 3. Heartless markets, heartless men — 4. How can we explain it? — epilogue: panic! 2008, déjà vu all over again.
HC103 .L327 2010
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The Chemcraft story: the legacy of Harold Porter, by John Tyler. St. Johann Press, c2003.
HD9993.C482 P678 2003
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Two bits: the cultural significance of free software. Christopher M. Kelty. Duke University Press, 2008.
Geeks and recursive publics — Protestant reformers, polymaths, transhumanists — The movement — Sharing source code — Conceiving open systems — Writing copyright licenses — Coordinating collaborations — "If we succeed, we will disappear" — Reuse, modification, and the nonexistence of norms — Conclusion: The cultural consequences of free software.
HM851 .K45 2008
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Sound targets: American soldiers and music in the Iraq war. Jonathan Pieslak. Indiana University Press, c2009.
Music and contemporary military recruiting — Music as an inspiration for combat — Looking at the opposing forces — Music as a psychological tactic — Music as a form of soldier expression — Metal and rap ideologies in the Iraq War.
ML3477 .P54 2009
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—Chris Cottrill
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