Entrepreneur and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie once said that “a library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert.”
The Smithsonian Libraries are passionate about renewing our commitment to serving the global community as a public and academic library system. We have enhanced our digital accessibility, public programs, and events while adding new fellowship opportunities, resulting in more in-person traffic than ever before. This increase in activity is made possible thanks to the continued support of our dedicated donors.
The Libraries Futures Fund is the Libraries’ unrestricted giving fund. Unrestricted support gives us the flexibility to take advantage of extraordinary opportunities as they arise. Last year, money from the Libraries Futures Fund was used for staff training in data curation, image processing, and color management. Through these courses, staff learned skills to greatly improve the quality of the Libraries’ digital collection.
Additionally, through the use of the Fund, we hosted three Baird Resident Scholars, who used our collections to study World’s Fairs, the American fur trade, and American art and culture at the Paris Exposition.
Please consider making a contribution to the Libraries Futures Fund and join in celebrating our continued forward momentum! Visit us online to donate or call 202-633-2240. Thank you!
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