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Spring 2016 Internship Opportunities

UK Interns 2The Smithsonian Libraries is currently accepting applications for Spring 2016 internships. These projects would be great educational experiences for library science students performing work for practicum or field study requirements.

Field Book Project Cataloging:

The Smithsonian Field Book Project is heavily involved in doing original cataloging on natural history archival collections, specifically field collecting documentation. The intern would assist the Project’s chief cataloger, who would set aside specific collections that would make ideal learning opportunities for the student. The student would then, after training, perform original cataloging of those natural science collections using the local custom schema, which combines elements from NCD, EAC-CPF, and MODS. The student would gain practical, hands-on cataloging experience while learning some of the opportunities and challenges that arise in doing original cataloging of unprocessed special collections, such as best practices for handling archival materials and how to do preservation assessments on fragile items. The student would also have the opportunity to contribute at least two blogs about their experience, to be published on the Field Book Project website, and may have the opportunity (if interested) to spend a day shadowing staff in the digitization operations of the Project, to see how cataloging affects the full digitization workflow.

Interlibrary loan:

This internship would be a general introduction to interlibrary loan functions at the Smithsonian Libraries.  Interns would learn about the ILL process and its role in a museum library system. In addition, interns would gain valuable experience in using Illiad application software, a program used by many academic and public library systems to drive the interlibrary loan process. The incumbent will have the opportunity to learn about and visit most of the library’s branch locations, conducting shelf checks and assessing material for loan.

History and Culture Collections Management:

A student assigned to this project would have the opportunity to explore issues in collections management in the libraries’ history and culture department. Projects may include reviewing titles and assessing their relevance to the collection or planning and preparation for moving and reshelving materials.   Intern will learn how library staff maintain collections based on the needs of their users as well as the importance of print and electronic resources to curators and researchers in a museum library.

Research Services Bibliographic Assistance

The candidate will assist the Vertebrate Zoology Librarian and other staff in creating a digital bibliography of herpetological (reptile and amphibian) literature gathered over many years.  Other duties might include assisting researchers and visitors in using the Smithsonian Institution Research Information System and OCLC’s WorldCat.


Summer 2014 Interns with the Smithsonian Libraries Executive Committee
Summer 2014 Interns with the Smithsonian Libraries Executive Committee

All internships are part-time with flexible hours, though unpaid. Smithsonian Libraries is happy to work with a student’s academic institution to help them obtain credit.  Positions are located in Washington, DC, unless otherwise noted. All applications must be submitted via the Smithsonian’s Online Academic Appointment System ( Applications are open until December 6th, or until filled.

For additional information about these opportunities, see our website here. Full details about the Libraries internship offerings may be found here.

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