For the last week in March, the Libraries hosted spring intern Diane Kaczor. Kaczor is a student in the graduate program of Library and Information Science at the University of more »
Category: History and Culture
Brandon Head, The food of the gods, a popular account of cocoa, 1903 The National Museum of American History blog recently ran a post on a candy maker. Being good more »
According to the National Park Service, the blossoms should be peaking this weekend. Wm. Elliott & Sons, 50th Annual Edition, 1895. One of the fabulous seed catalogs from the Libraries' more »
The Libraries' The Sewing Machine: Its Invention and Development is a wonderful digital edition of the classic by Grace Rogers Cooper. From the introduction by Barbara Suit Janssen, Museum Specialist, more »
Carrie H. Lippincott from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was the self-titled “Pioneer Seedswoman of America.” She started a seed business in 1886 out of the necessity of increasing the family income. By more »
The Libraries has an extensive collection of seed catalogs as part of its trade literature collection. One of the many companies represented in our collection that is still in business more »
Why not browse through the Libraries collection of seed catalogs? You just might find that lucky clover… —Elizabeth Periale H. Cannell & Sons, Complete Catalogue of Golden Seeds, 1898