In a happy coincidence, for the second consecutive year the annual Award for Photography by the Northern Virginia Review, a publication of literature and the arts, has been given to a Library Systems & Services employee, Todd Morgan, who works onsite in the Libraries’ Cataloging Department.
Category: Staff Notes
A recent article in BusinessWeek ( profiled a Japanese company that provides homes with some needed extra space. A recent startup, Bookscan, offers scanning of personal book collections in part more ยป
I want you to think in terms of the functioning and changing ecology in which you will be operating, the set of relationships between individuals, institutions, money flows, information flows, projects, programs and effectors. I will start with some considerations of this way of considering your world and then briefly illustrate it with some specifics derived from my experience with the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
You are or will be hustling for jobs. Libraries are under tight budgets for the foreseeable future. How are you going to ride the rapids? It is likely your current jobs will not exist in 20 years and that the institutions that house your current jobs will be radically different.
The Libraries is pleased to host Margaret “Betsy” Hagerty in an internship that will extend from January through the summer