An annual conference attracting over 3,500 attendees from over 120 countries, and with translation services in the 7 official IFLA languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish), the event feels like a library conference mixed with a UN meeting.
Tag: Digital Library
In February the Libraries deposited the 10,000th publication in the Smithsonian Digital Repository, part of the Smithsonian Research Online program. This milestone was achieved with a collaborative paper by Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute researcher Ben Hirsch and the Smithsonian’s National Zoo geneticist Jesus Maldonado.
We are pleased to announce that the Galaxy of Images is the featured collection in this month’s D-LIB Magazine. D-LIB is an online journal of digital library research. Its informative articles are made freely available by funding from the Corporation for National Research Initiatives and other sponsors.
On February 7-10, Web Developer Joel Richard attended the Code4Lib conference held at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. Sub-freezing weather aside, the conference was a hotbed of software developers, metadata experts and computer people getting together to discuss their latest work in developing software, websites, tools and technologies that support the mission of libraries across the country and the world!