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Tag: Elizabeth Periale

Snow Angels

These wonderful children’s book illustrations make one yearn for snow. They were done by the artist Karl Mühlmeister, about whom very little seems to be known. He is believed to have been born in Hamburg in 1876, and died around 1942-45, location unknown. These simple print illustrations have a charm all their own.

Featuring: Vojtěch Kubašta

In the 1950s-1960s, Vojtěch Kubašta, an Austrian-born paper engineer and illustrator working in
Czechoslovakia, created a series of pop-up adventure and fantasy stories combining bold folk art style imagery, distinctive colors, and innovative cut and folded paper styles. Some of his large-scale constructions of this period include Marco Polo (1962), The tournament (1950s), and Ricky the Rabbit (1961).