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April is National Financial Literacy Month

On March 31, 2011, President Barack Obama issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring April 2011 National Financial Literacy Month. With many Americans currently suffering financial hardships due to the recent recession, National Financial Literacy Month was enacted to increase the public's understanding of our economic system and promote financial stability. This wide-ranging initiative focuses on topics such as the responsible use of credit, well-informed undertaking of mortgages and home-ownership, scams and identity theft, insurance matters, and investment options. One comprehensive online resource devoted to financial guidance is This homepage is “the U.S. government’s website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education.”  Another website, Money Matters, sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission, informs visitors that the agency “created this website to help you tackle some money issues head-on.”

A particularly appropriate observance occurring during this period of fiscal awareness is National Retirement Planning Week, April 11 – 15, sponsored by the National Retirement Planning Coalition (NRPC). Check the NRPC website for more information on retirement planning and the functions of the NRPC.   


Financing the American dream: a cultural history of consumer credit, by Lendol Calder 

Financial history of the United States, by Davis Dewey 

—Conrad Ziyad


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