At the conclusion of the Workshop Coleção de Obras Raras Essencial, I traveled from São Paulo to the northern city of Belém to attend the XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia. Belém was founded in the 17th century and served as a major trading port and capital of the rubber boom of the 19th century. A key gateway to Amazonia, Belém is a fascinating place with an abundance of exotic fruits and freshwater fish.
At the Congress, I presented on the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL). The Congress was attended by over 2,500 zoologists from around Brazil and the world. My session. which focused on various aspects of scientific literature. My fellow presenters were: Dr. Abel Packer, Director of BIREME and Dr. Hussam Zaher, Director of the Museum of Zoology, São Paulo. Our session was introduced by Dr. Nilson Gabas, director of the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (in Belém). There was also a presentation by Dr. Bráulio Dias, Director of the National Biodiversity Program, Ministry of Environment.
About sixty people attended the talk and there were a number of good questions afterward. Many in the group were regular users of BHL and had specific usage questions.
Here's my talk:
Building a Global Library of Taxonomic Literature. XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia. 9 February 2010. Belém, Brazil.
– Martin R. Kalfatovic
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