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Featuring: Mega-Beasts

Featuring a title from the Libraries' pop-up book collection and current exhibition, Paper Engineering: Fold, Pull, Pop & Turn.

Paper engineer and pop-up book designers Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart collaborated to create this colorful, action-packed book that includes 35 dramatic v-fold paper constructions with numerous flap and pull-tab mechanisms. On this page, featuring a Mega Sloth, a pull tab- flap turning devise called a waterfall is included in one of the small illustrations. In the waterfall construction, a series of cut-paper figures flip and cascade over each other when the tab is pulled. Mega-Beasts, the third and final pop-up of the Encyclopedia Prehistorica series, includes several scary Ice-Age giants— saber-tooth tigers, huge bears, wooly mammoths, the now extinct dodo bird, and soaring flying lizards.—Stephen Van Dyk

Mega-Beasts. Robert Sabuda & Matthew Reinhart. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2007

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