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It’s National Dessert Month

October is National Dessert Month.

What better way to celebrate than with a look through the books of the Culinary Historians of Washington (CHOW ) collection, which can be found in the Libraries Reserach Annex?

This collection is as varied as the desserts in the books. There are books covering topics such as what was served at the  White House, desserts from the 18th century, to desserts served in the 19th century and adaped for modern times. Some are not even books at all, but a collection of recipes from the Washington Gas Light Company Home Services Department. The Libraries even has a book in the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Library that puts a twist on cakes and cake decorating, If you make a mistake put a rose on it, by Pat Lasch and Fred Lasch.—Ninette Dean


  1. Thank you very much. The informaton was very nice and the service was excellent.

    I hope you can take the time to visit the website,  It is only just beginning but I think you will eventually find it to be a great resource to learn about Thai food basics and beyond.

  2. Wow…what a great collection of historic dessert books.
    I recently bought the Victorian Book of Cakes by Lewis and Bromley, and I love it!! It’s amazing to see how beautiful and ornate cakes used to be. Especially the cakes that were decorated for royalty. 🙂
    If anyone’s interested, I have some fun Cake Decorating Techniques on my blog 🙂
    Happy Baking!!

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